Digital Literacy

Spreadsheets (DL 206)

This course is designed to build basic spreadsheets skills. Knowing how to organize and assess data in a spreadsheet can serve as a valuable tool for home, school, and work-related tasks. In fact, more and more jobs are requiring a knowledge of spreadsheets for entry-level positions. In the digital age, knowing how to use an application like Excel, can not only help you maintain budgets, create graphs, and manage large amounts of data, but also boost earnings. Note: This courses references the Computers: One Click at a Time workbook. Please review pages 44-47 before starting this course. (Student Version)
  • Spreadsheets Overview
  • Knowledge Check - Spreadsheets Review
  • Activity #3 - Page 47
  • Knowledge Check - Candy CafĂ©
  • Davis Foods Spreadsheet
  • Davis Foods Excel Demo
  • Davis Foods Scatter Chart
  • Knowledge Check Davis Foods Demo
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years